How e@UBC helped transform Aspect Biosystems from a wild idea into a BC anchor company

Prior to entrepreneurship@UBC, Aspect Biosystems was composed of three engineers with a big idea: 3D printing human tissue, on demand. As electrical and computer engineers, co-founders Tamer Mohamed, Simon Beyer, and Konrad Walus shared a solid technical knowledge base and a “first principles” mindset when approaching problems. Yet, despite their deep tech background and expertise in academia, they hadn’t built a company before. The team knew they needed to develop their business acumen in order to translate their research into an enduring biotechnology company that could thrive.
That's where entrepreneurship@UBC came in.
Click here learn how entrepreneurship@UBC helped launch their venture building journey.
Are you a UBC researcher or scientist with an innovation that would make a great company like Aspect Biosystems? Apply for our Lab2Launch venture building program. Applications are open until August 10th, 2020.
entrepreneurship@UBC propels UBC innovations out into the world through venture creation, providing UBC students, researchers, faculty members, alumni and staff with the resources, networks, and funding they need to succeed.