Impact, action, experience:
How would the world be different if we could shift the global paradigm around entrepreneurship and innovation away from the power systems and hero myths that have clearly failed us as a planet, and as citizens, to build a better future?
2022 Immersion Week, happening September 27 to September 29, UBC Robson Square | UBC Point Grey | Online

As entrepreneurs and innovators who seek to bring our ideas and projects to bear, how are we ensuring that our practices and belief systems are imbued with values-based approaches necessary to the sustainability of our future? Can we be even more intentional about weaving justice, equity, diversity and inclusion into the fabric or entrepreneurship? Our collective survival urgently depends on redefining how we think about success, leadership, growth and capital empowerment.
This year, entrepreneurship@UBC Immersion Week (EIW) will bring together storytellers and movement builders from across our ecosystem, to share their insights on the strategies and tactics that helped them transform their ideas to impact.
Last year, over 600 people joined us for a week of inspiring discussions, tactical insights and meaningful connections. In this 3rd edition of EIW, we are excited to be gathering in-person (with some sessions online) to continue to grow and strengthen our vibrant community of leaders, creators and doers.
Join entrepreneurship@UBC for our 3rd annual entrepreneurship@UBC Immersion Week (EIW) September 27 -29, 2022.
entrepreneurship@UBC Immersion Week is for our UBC community of students, staff faculty and alumni as well as our community of ventures, mentors, and BC’s innovation ecosystem at large.
Track One: Bringing Radical Ideas to Scale
For many entrepreneurs and innovators, their personal journeys are what set them on a path of invention or disruption to improve the human condition. Whether they have overcome adversity, have the desire to change systems, or hold a vision for humanity that transcends geo-political barriers, they have also had to reconcile with the institutions and framework that value profit over people. Amazingly, these trail-blazers have built the underpinnings of movements, leading massive change across intersections of the social, environmental and economic problems they seek to solve. Sessions in this track will explore the inspiring stories of change-makers and their tactical insights on scaling radical ideas to global impact.
Track Two: Reframing The Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
There is no straight line to impact and the peaks and valleys of one’s entrepreneurial or innovation journey can feel insurmountable some days, and exhilarating the next. As change-makers we take risks, we flourish in ‘out of the box thinking’, we drive towards opportunities that we know if we never take, might never be realized. Transforming how we lead as innovators and entrepreneurs to translate our ideas into action requires new thinking, embedded in systems that value humanity at their very core. In this track you will hear from founders, funders, industry and academic leaders who will share the impact frameworks and best practices they have adopted, along with the pivotal moments that challenged or reaffirmed their mission-driven endeavours.
Impact Showcase
entrepreneurship@UBC helps UBC researchers and innovators propel their transformative ideas and ground-breaking discoveries into products and services that solve the world’s most pressing problems. Come and interact with some of the exciting ventures who are part of e@UBC’s thriving entrepreneurial community!